It’s Not How Good You Are…

It’s How Good You Want To Be. 


 Have you ever owned a book that you could pick up and feel inspired?  Even if you only read a few pages?  Or just one page?  My bible, in the inspiration sense, is It’s Not How Good You Are, It’s How Good You Want To Be by Paul Arden.

Basically, DREAM BIGGER (one of my mottos in life)

It doesn’t look like much based on the cover or its size, but it is chock full of goodness.  I can say, with 99% certainty, that it will suck you in and you’ll read it cover to cover in one sitting.  And then you’ll come back to it — re-read it when you’re feeling a bit blue or when you need someone to light a fire under your ass. 

Criticism-- hard to hear.  Don't settle for okay and not great.  Ask how it can be better!

Beyond its goodness, it has great design and images that will keep you entertained.  I highly recommend it; whether you’re planning your dream business, your wedding or trying to improve as an employee.  It will speak to your uninspired soul when nothing else does.

Tell us: Do you have an inspiration bible?  Where do you turn when you're feeling blue?