Fat Tuesday Thoughts

Though we were raised Catholic, I wouldn't say Jen or I are very religious, but we are spiritual. And though I am not practicing, I still give up something, each year, for Lent.  This small gesture still makes me feel like I'm connecting to a greater good/higher power.

So here is my Lenten sacrifice: no buying coffee out.

This is one of my favorite treats, as anyone and especially Jen can tell you, so it will be tough. I even have a Starbucks gold card (pictured above).  I also forsee this being a bit hard because I do most of my writing at coffeeshops, but I will adapt.  

I also want to not eat meat on Fridays; I'm thinking of it as a form of Meatless Mondays.  

Tell us: Do you participate in Lent or make any type of sacrifice during the year?