Progress on Sara Regina

This weekend, I spent some time [read a lot of time] on my quaint Etsy shop, Sara Regina, fueled by my new obsession with The Borgias.  I will be uploading pictures this weekend so it will be live soon.

I also did unfun things like researching credit unions and other types of research, and fun things like playing with my friend's DSLR camera, going to the farmers market, and taking a surprisingly difficult community class at Lululemon.  

Overall, it was just the weekend I needed.

Tell us: what rejuvenates you?


Makin' Progress

I'm still workin' on my calligraphy.  This is my progress on "jumping" words.

All of the sudden, life got crazy.  I am in the process of a big transition and got bogged down with work and stress.  But I've found that returning to my art is the best thing.  Calligraphy is so therapeutic for me.  

Tell us: What is therapetuic for you?


What I've Been Up To

I started taking Melissa Esplin's calligraphy class two weeks ago, and I am OBSESSED.  It's like the beginning of a relationship; Jen called this my "honeymoon" phase with calligraphy.  

I have had some challenges because I'm left-handed so I'm still trying to figure out the kinks, but it's still something I look forward to practicing. 


Tell us: What are you currently learning about?