tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:/posts two of a kind 2013-10-08T17:25:58Z tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/581962 2013-05-31T01:07:32Z 2013-10-08T17:25:58Z Nicely Noted & The Act of Giving

I joined Nicely Noted last month and I am finally using my first letterpress card!  It is being sent to a very kind, generous person who gave me a lot of insight today.

This is a little note set I am giving to a friend as a thank you.  One of my sweet co-workers lent me one of her DSLR's for two weeks so I could see if I want one.  Verdict: I'm dying for a DSLR.  

Last week, Jen said something to me that stuck.  She said that it's so important [and I'm adding therapeutic] to give to people.  So I'm excited to give away these tiny gifts, gifts that I'm also sending into the universe.  

Hope you are all having a great week!


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/581415 2013-05-28T01:48:33Z 2013-10-08T17:25:52Z Memorial Day Weekend 2013

This weekend, our family restarted a long standing tradition of a pig roast and family reunion.  After our grandfather died three years ago, we skipped three years, and it was nice to see cousins that I haven't seen in a few years.  It's truly crazy how fast time passes.   

Jen and I also got the chance to get together, catch up, and Jen even taught me how to sew a pretty Peter Pan collared shirt! Pictures to come. 

We hope you had a great MDW weekend!


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/580117 2013-05-20T23:09:22Z 2013-10-08T17:25:35Z Progress on Sara Regina

This weekend, I spent some time [read a lot of time] on my quaint Etsy shop, Sara Regina, fueled by my new obsession with The Borgias.  I will be uploading pictures this weekend so it will be live soon.

I also did unfun things like researching credit unions and other types of research, and fun things like playing with my friend's DSLR camera, going to the farmers market, and taking a surprisingly difficult community class at Lululemon.  

Overall, it was just the weekend I needed.

Tell us: what rejuvenates you?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/579463 2013-05-17T16:29:06Z 2013-10-08T17:25:27Z Some Wisdom from Robert Frost


The wise Mr. Frost once said, "....No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader." 

While the last few days have been busy, I've still had time to think about what surprises are "inside" my creative mind. 

Jen suggested I watch this Ted talk, and since I am taking a Skillshare class with Andie Powers, who is behind GoMighty, I have also been thinking about why I want to create a small business, and what my unique perspective is.  

Not easy stuff to define, for sure.  

Happy Weekend!

Tell us: How do you answer the tough, often abstract, questions? 


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/578871 2013-05-14T01:04:42Z 2013-10-08T17:25:20Z Announcing my Etsy shop!

I set up my Etsy shop, and in a few days, I will launch my first set of notecards.  I'm super excited about this notecard because I carved the stamp !

While practicing my calligraphy, I also tried to make a simple business card- I like how it came out!

And for a little comfort on this Monday--I'm burning a wooden wick candle that my mom and I made last weekend!

Tell us: what have you been up to?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/578669 2013-05-13T00:56:42Z 2013-10-08T17:25:18Z Makin' Progress

I'm still workin' on my calligraphy.  This is my progress on "jumping" words.

All of the sudden, life got crazy.  I am in the process of a big transition and got bogged down with work and stress.  But I've found that returning to my art is the best thing.  Calligraphy is so therapeutic for me.  

Tell us: What is therapetuic for you?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/576927 2013-05-02T09:06:00Z 2013-10-08T17:24:56Z Calligraphy Progress & Learning a New Alphabet

Some more calligraphy progress.  Tonight, I plan to practice writing out all of the state names.  I'm also learning a new, more relaxed style and I've been focusing on working on my thick and thin lines.  

Tell us: How do you improve on your craft?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/546832 2013-04-30T00:12:36Z 2013-10-08T17:18:19Z Hand Carved Linoleum Stamps

This weekend, I carved stamps for the first time.  I am happy with how well they turned out, and I plan to make more of them.

I used this tutorial, which was helpful and easy to follow.

Tell us: What tutorials do you use online?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/520157 2013-04-28T01:45:22Z 2013-10-08T17:12:33Z Calligraphy Progress

This past week, I made this birthday card for a friend.  I am excited about the progress I've made with calligraphy in the last month, and I notice small improvements each time I practice.  

It was satisfying to make this card because I never think that Hallmark or Papyrus, as beautiful as some of the cards are, mean as much as handmade. 

Tell us: Do you think handmade is better?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493728 2013-04-23T13:23:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Inspiration

Lately, the beach has been an endless source of inspiration.  If you follow me on Instragram (@smoult), then you know this as almost all of my recent pictures have been of water.  Walking, also inspirational, to the nearby park is basically every other Instagram picture.  

Since staring MYB, I've been more conscious of working out and how often I do (and how little I actually used to).  It seems that I used to spend a ton of time thinking about exercise, but far less time actually doing it.  Am I the only one?

Regardless, I have felt much more inspired, recently, and I think it has to do both with clearning my head and staring at so much water.  

Tell us: What's been inspiring you recently?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493730 2013-04-22T12:47:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z World Nomads Scholarship- What I Submitted

Setting sun over the Parthenon on the Acrpolis in Athens

Instead of Cancun or the Caribbean

I imagine what Greece used to be like.  I picture Aeschylus’s Agamemnon performed at the Delphi theatre, and how the Agora used to look: the bustling marketplace full of women buying ingredients to make baklava and mousakka for their families.  Women with a purpose.  I buy hologram postcards so I can see more than just the skeletons of these places.

It’s our last night of spring break, and we lounge on the rooftop of The Heroidion in Athens.  I say to Max, “This trip has been like a weird, lucid dream.”

Her response: “I’ve eaten enough garlic to turn into a clove.” 

This is the kind of talk between best friends: disjointed and comfortable.

During the last 11 days, I’ve learned that my skin turns glossy from Mediterranean olive oil; that in touristy areas, the Greeks serve Americanized gyros with oregano fries piled high; and I learn to downplay tripping on the cobblestone streets.  I am a step away from grace.

“Yasa!” we shout as we tip back our last ouzo shot and cheers to this trip.

We sit, stargaze and feel the soft spring breeze. 

“We have a better view of the Parthenon, up here, than we did paying admission,” I say. 

Max nods and jokingly says, “Wish Rula was here to describe this.”

Rula is our Greek tour guide, chain smoker and professional espresso drinker, who has a knack for saying English words in a dirty way.  “Olympics” becomes O-limp-piks and “fortress” into four-undress.  Imagine her description of this postcard worthy view: “marble” to ma-ball, “temple” to tim-pile and “rubble” into rawr-bull.

Max trickles off to bed but I stay up. 

I look at the Parthenon with the scaffolding illuminated by construction lights.  It is old juxtaposed with new.

Then I see a single shooting star fly above this ancient temple.  It reminds me that just like a human body, the bones outlast. Life swirls around us, even as we struggle, always evolving.

- SRM, 2013 ©

I've written about Greece before (found here and here), a very special trip that still inspires me.  This is the piece that I submitted to the World Nomads China Scholarship about Catching a Moment.

Tell us: How does travel inspire you?


(image via pinterest) 




tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493731 2013-04-21T15:40:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z How I Network and Submit My Work

1. Stay in touch with professors 

  • I heard about this scholarship from a college professor.

2. Attend writing workshops

  • This can be a weekend conference like this one or looking at a local community college for their semester workshops.

3. Submit to an alumni literature journal

  • If you are unsure if your school has one, or what the name is, then google " your school name literary journal" so I would search "Richard Stockton College literary journal".

4. Poets & Writers has a great listing of submissions in their Classifieds section here

5. Join a mailing list like this one

6. My friend, Meghan, created an awesome magazine called The New Megaphone

  • Accepting submissions for their second issue! 


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493733 2013-04-19T15:21:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z World Nomads' Scholarship to China

Today, I applied for a travel writing scholarship to China through the World Nomads site!  Thousdands of people applied, but I still feel confident with my piece.  

This contest gives the winner a chance to travel to China and see what life is like for a travel writer.  It is an incredibly competitive field and I think it's a really cool opportunity.

Fingers crossed! 


photo source: worldnomads.com

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493735 2013-04-17T12:14:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Starting Small is Best

Don't we all want to make enough money to just do what we love every day?

As a writer, part of what I've always been told to do is publish. This is one of the first steps to trying to "make it" as a writer, but figuring out how to do this is not easy. 

Before sending out work, my advice is to revise, revise, revise. I will write a post soon about my revision strategies.

Where to send work:

1. Send work to alumni literary journals

2. Send to a friend's or acquaintenance's literary journal .

I've been struggling with how to get my work out for the last few years, and I recently remembered that starting small is best.  So, my goal for this week is to send to my alumni literary journal, Stockpot, and a friend's literary journal, which I will post more info about soon.

Tell us: How do you get your work out?


image via pinterest 

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493738 2013-04-12T13:15:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z What I've Been Up To

I started taking Melissa Esplin's calligraphy class two weeks ago, and I am OBSESSED.  It's like the beginning of a relationship; Jen called this my "honeymoon" phase with calligraphy.  

I have had some challenges because I'm left-handed so I'm still trying to figure out the kinks, but it's still something I look forward to practicing. 


Tell us: What are you currently learning about?

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493741 2013-04-09T22:13:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z To 27 Years

Today, we are celebrating our 27th birthday.  Though we aren't in the same state this year, it is still special. 

Jen is my best friend and knows me better than anyone.  We are lucky enough to know what each other is thinking without having to say a word.  We share the same ideals, morals, and recognize the necessity of inspiration and following our hearts.  

I am lucky to have someone in my life who just gets me and who cheerleads my lofty ideas.  Jen wants the best for me, which I'm realizing is hard to find these days.  

Thanks for being someone I can always look up to and be impressed by.  You are achieving amazing things.

Happy birthday, sissy!



tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493744 2013-04-08T13:05:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z How to Travel Route 50, the Loneliest Road in America

How to Travel Route 50, the Loneliest Road in America


Forget your favorite underwear and plush throw--

it's hard to find comfort in a thin bicycle seat

and sleeping bag, and it can't be what you're after.


A friend taught me to spell words-- 'bourgeois',

'stereo' and 'poster'--to stop crying.

Pump the brakes when no one is around

and ride in between the yellow lines.

Control is everything.


Don't think of the life you left--

ceramic coffee mugs, routine and shaving--

adventure is what you want.


If you get lonely, sing. Try to bounce

the sounds off of the mountain sides.

Skip rocks in the valleys and take in

the Nevada backdrop.


Take time each day to think of your bike's gears

and chain, the machine that drives you forward.

When you reach the border, turn back--

notice the sun shining on the asphalt--

sizzling some bugs and only burning others.


-SRM, 2013 ©


This poem came out of a prompt given by a friend.  Requirement: write a poem about one thing, but really be talking about another.  I am lucky enough to participate in another multi-member blog so we post and then critique each others' work; I will post a revision soon.  


Tell us: How do you stay inspired?



tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493747 2013-04-03T13:15:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Exquisite Corpse

(what was it I was hungry about)

What was it I was hungry about
I think the turkey in the oven, remember?
My friend said nothing is wrong
stay put, it’s a good fighting bar.
The girl walks home alone
in the dark, always beautiful and sad.
And here in the last minutes,
You can never really be sure,
but someone tightens a screw thinner
than an eyelash
and sips the juice of a grapefruit.
I sink down, as if shot, beside the ball
of its butt larded with mother-of-pearl.
There never was such a bright red ladybug
on the blinds.
Of course I will not be here long,
not the way percentages are going now

- MP & SRM, 2013 ©

This is a play off of Exquisite Corpse, which I've participated in on and off.  I first mentioned that my poet friend/best friend and I would be collaborating here, and this is our first "draft". Thoughts? I will revise and repost soon. 

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493750 2013-03-31T15:05:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z March Recap

March Goals:

did complete 22 work outs this month using Move Your Booty as motivation, and I was all smiles this morning when I finished my run.  I may have had to do multiple work outs a day to complete it, but hey, I still did it!  And I can't wait to do more than 22 work outs next month!

  • manage social media of this blog: B

I commented on blogs that I read daily and tweeted most of the posts.  (Follow me! @smoult). I'm going to keep trying with this one.  

  • don't waste left overs or food: B
  • train for this 4 mile run: B
  • stretch most nights: C

I stretched after every work out, but not every night.

I love reading goals that people set; I find it inspiring.

Tell us: What are goals that you set for yourself?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493753 2013-03-28T13:16:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z On Stepping Away

My unexpected break from blogging has ended.  I spent some time in Philly this past week.  On Wednesday morning, I walked to my favorite Philly coffee shop right before I left, and took some pictures in Fairmount Park.  

I found some "secret gardens" that reminded me of Le Petit Jardin in Red Bank:

Funny how after growing up, I now enjoy re-discovering the Italian deli and Reading Terminal, which we used to visit when we were kids.   

Tell us: Do you revisit places and see them differently, as an adult?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493756 2013-03-26T13:07:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z "Henry VIII" Revisited

In this life, Henry, dethroned,
must struggle with his highless-ness,
the loss of velvety robes
in ruby red and royal blue,
and the stockings that hugged his muscly legs.

Now, Henry is a wounded eagle,
worn out enough that he covers
all of the mirrors in his rooms.

Devout Catherine sits on a plush sofa--
smug--sipping scotch.
She allows herself this night
and revels being on top.
Tonight, she feels like the leopard
that changes her spots, a woman in control,
and one who knows how to like it.

-SRM, 2013 ©

I've been writing this poem for at least three months, and there's still something missing in it.  One of my friends suggested two things: write many more stanzas, and/or write alternating stanzas from Catherine and Henry's positions.  I'm interested to see where it goes!

Tell us: What works for you when revising your art?



tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493759 2013-03-24T16:25:30Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Mixed Media Workshop

Yesterday, I attended a workshop by a local artist and teacher.  She repurposed so much cool stuff from flea markets, the curb, and stuff from off of the street.  

Her definition of mixed media is that it doesn't have to be wacky and outlandish, but that it can be just using watercolor and charcoal together or colored pencils and print making.  

"Artists use what is going on in their lives.  It's a way around compulsive worrying." 

She also spoke a lot about Matisse, pictured above, as he was one of the first to really mix media. 

I also finally used the notebook I made, and it was so satisfying.  Jen said it correctly that there is a deep satisfaction is using something that has been made by your own hands.

Tell us: What has been inspiring you, lately?


photo via Pinterest 

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493761 2013-03-20T22:53:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z What I'm Reading

Lately, I've been in a bit of a reading rut.  

It's probably because I'm reading too many books: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People for this book club, The Namesake, and I just picked up The Happiness Project from the library.  

What I have been keeping up with are my blogs.  Here are my favorites right now:

1. rebuild (health + home): I find this blog therapeutic and reassuring 

2. Adulting blog: A fun blog to remind those of us struggling with adulthood on how to act 

3. Jess Lively: Again, these posts are reassuring as well as thought provoking.  I like that Jess is spiritual and considerate.  And I've already mentioned here how the book club has already positively affected me. 

Tell us: What have you been reading recently? How do you get out of reading ruts?


image via pinterest

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493765 2013-03-18T12:47:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Brave Thoughts

I am going to try this: Psychiatry professor, Nancy Rappaport, suggests to replace "worried thoughts" with "brave thoughts."

I recently rediscovered the Adulting blog and found this post.

I actually unintentionally did this yesterday when I started counting how much money I'd spent in NYC for the St. Paddy's Day parade, and then I thought, why don't I think of how much my cheeks hurt from smiling instead.  And I instantly felt better.  

Tell us: Do you have any tips/tricks for being optimistic or trying to change your outlook?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493769 2013-03-14T12:52:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Finding "my" yoga teacher

I think I found my yoga teacher.  I felt calm throughout the entire class, empowered even. The class literally flew by.  She kept repeating the phrase, "surrender, put it out there and let it happen." 

I've been taking yoga since sophomore year of college (7 years ago, ouch) and I have liked and looked up to many of my teachers.  But there was something about this woman, Janet.  I just liked how I felt relaxed, positive and hopeful in her presence.  

Tell us: Is there any one in your life who makes you feel like you can conquer the world?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493772 2013-03-12T23:38:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Sunset and Getting Caught in the Rain

It's been steadily pouring all day so when I looked out the window at 6pm, and saw a break, I decided to go for it and walk down to the river.  Today really felt like spring because of the rain and the temperature (55 degrees here in NJ!). I didn't even mind getting caught in the rain on the walk back. 

Tell us: Any evening rituals? What makes you think of spring?


tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493775 2013-03-08T11:19:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z An Unlikely Pair

I read this article today.

Jen and I have become running buddies, and though we live in different time zones, we do check in with each other, and I do stay motivated because I want to stay on pace with Jen and her work outs.

We've always followed different sports- Jen rowed crew in high school and I stuck to swimming, which I now get to coach.

And we've always been interested in exercise, though we both used to loathe running.  And then loathing just became a love-hate relationship.  And now it's something I dare say I enjoy.  Sure, I still get shin splints and sometimes feel crickety, but it also makes me feel strong. 

When I was in ATX for Christmas, Jen and I got to run together.  And it was the first time, in all of our 26 years, that we've done that.  Though it was spur of the moment, it was one of my favorite moments of the trip.  Even though we're more like running pen pals, it's these kind of surprises that are the best. 

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493777 2013-03-06T14:38:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z Move Your Booty

This month, I signed up for Move Your Booty, which encourages any signer-upers to sweat 22 times in a month.  I figured this would motivate me to be ready for next month's four mile run and I like to be held accountable.  Spin at this Real Ryder studio is up for tomorrow.


Tell us: how do you motivate yourself to work out? 

image via twitter

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493779 2013-03-04T12:38:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z February Goal Recap and March Goals

this is what accomplishment feels like

March Goals:

  • manage social media of this blog
  • don't waste left overs or food
  • train for this 4 mile run
  • stretch most nights

I have at least three other things I want to add to this list, but I know that it would be too daunting to accomplish.  I also still plan stick to the spending diet as well as running whenever it's weather appropriate, which should be more and more often.  

How I did with my February goals:

  • start a novel/play/series of short stories: C
  • stick to the spending diet: C
  • run whenever it's weather appropriate: A-
  • set up my etsy shop: F

Tell us: What are your goals for this month? 


photo source: google

tag:twoofakind.posthaven.com,2013:Post/493736 2013-02-28T23:42:00Z 2013-10-08T17:07:11Z What I'm Appreciative of Today

1. It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be which Jen first posted about here. She sent it to me in a care package/our version of Birchbox.  It's a business focused book, but all of the rules apply to life.

2. That a glass of wine makes me sleep like a baby. 

3. Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. I finished Sweet Tooth yesterday.  Review coming soon!

4. That it's still an acceptable time of year to climb into bed at 7pm. 

5. Good, thoughtful friends.

(inspired by Jess Lively's post)

Tell us: what has been the best part of your day?

